Saturday, March 15, 2008

Saturday in Matoso

We woke up this morning to hear that the clinic received two cases of cholera overnight. It's the first cholera in this district in a couple years and fortunately the patients are doing very well. They received oral rehydration fluids and kept overnight but are ready to go home this morning.

We're having some meetings with Hugh, Marty (Lalmba founders) and Jeevan ( the American MD) to learn more about the operation and our role here. We're in the cook house and chickens keep trying to sneak in to peck at crumbs on the floor. It's beautifully warm and breezy-we got a little rain last night which sounded so loud on our tin roof.

I'll try to upload a few more pictures. One of our house, a few of the kids- the orphans will be in the red uniforms and the other kids are from our village of Matoso.


jewels of ju ju said...

your pictures speak a thousand words,
the children are beautiful and so is the countryside. The sky is crystal clear and so blue. I look forward to hearing alot more. Love always, Jamie

kim said...

Glad you arrived safely. I love your pictures. How close are the hippos? The children are beautiful. If possible, you should record them singing songs. Love, love.

aunti m said...

Wear knee high boots, snakes can't jump higher than that :-)Is there anything you need ? I love reading your you, aunti m

Kernie said...

The children must draw you in right away. I may have to visit.

Julie Roseto said...

I check your blog two times a day-can't wait for more news. I wish you could set up a web cam for us to have a window to your world. The pictures are so enjoyable-Thanks! Julie and Jim