Saturday, April 26, 2008

Photo of the week

Paul and I take so many photos every week that it's usually hard to choose just one. But this week is an exception. Paul and I took a 2 hour walk through the countryside last Saturday. We passed a small pond where the women were bathing the children and doing their laundry for the
week. We got the usual reaction from the kids- they yelled "Mzungu" and came running out to
greet us. So the first picture was of that small group of kids with khangas (brightly colored cloth wraps) around them.

When I got home and downloaded the photos I noticed that one child had a very special presence about her. She stands with confidence and to me, looks like she could be the future queen of an ancient tribe. I cropped the photo so you can see it more clearly. Take a look and see of you don't think she's really special.

1 comment:

kim said...

Great pix! Great cheekbones on the queen! Kim